Security News

How agents tracked down half-inched Surface Pro slabtops to eBay store An IT contractor for a US government fraud and abuse watchdog pleaded guilty on Thursday to stealing 16 US government computers.…

Tech giant Huawei on Thursday opened a legal front in its counter-offensive against US warnings that it could aid Chinese intelligence services, filing suit to overturn a US law that bars federal...

'Espionage and criminal investigations ... almost all of which lead back to Beijing' RSA While Russian hackers, Kremlin-backed or otherwise, grab the headlines, China remains the biggest...

'If someone like me can't get in to give a keynote, perhaps it's time we rethink where we organize our events' RSA Adi Shamir, the S in the renowned RSA encryption system, didn't take his usual...

Despite fried RAID and deleted hard drives, Federal News Agency calls US Cyber Command attack a failure A Russian new service is claiming that US attacks on it and an organisation accused of...

A steady stream of hair-raising revelations about the treatment of users' data by Facebook, et al. is pushing Congress to do *something.*

The US blocked internet access to Russian trolls who, they say, were trying to spread FUD.

After years of claiming that the Terrorist Screening Database is kept secret within the government, we have now learned that the DHS shares it "with more than 1,400 private entities, including...

By contrast, Russian hack-treason trial ends with 22-year sentence and accusations of foul play A US judge this week sentenced website hacker Billy Anderson to three months behind bars, refusing...

US lawmakers opened a debate Tuesday over privacy legislation in the first step by Congress toward regulation addressing a series of troublesome data protection abuses by tech firms. read more