Security News

HackerOne on Monday released a list of the companies that have paid out the most money through their bug bounty programs. According to HackerOne, Verizon has paid out more than $9.4 million since the launch of its program in February 2014, with a top bounty of $70,000 and an average first response time of 8 hours.

Uber is poised to file a federal lawsuit over Los Angeles's demands for what the company consider to be the city's privacy-invading demands for real-time location data of its users. This isn't an answer - LADOT hasn't been able to give one - but in general, LA wants the data for a new data standard called the Mobility Data Specification.

The two men pointed to Uber's $100K hush-money payment when they tried to extort Linkedin-owned Lynda... that instead called the cops.

Pair Extorted $100,000 From Ride-Sharing Service After Data BreachTwo hackers have pleaded guilty in connection with an extortion campaign tied to the theft of data on about 57 million Uber...

Two grey hat hackers have pleaded guilty to blackmailing Uber, LinkedIn, and other U.S. corporations for money in exchange for promises to delete data of millions of customers they had stolen in...

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Scumbags admit extorting $100k from taxi app biz Two men have confessed they siphoned confidential information from poorly secured databases hosted in the Amazon cloud, and then demanded payment...

The anonymized real-time location data the city's after can easily be associated with riders, thereby jeopardizing their privacy, Uber says.

Plus, a Windows NTSF flaw, Fortnite hacking, and much, much more Security roundup Here are a handful of security happenings in the past week that are worth noting - aside from what The Reg has...

Powerful code signed by Microsoft littered with vulns DEF CON Too many trusted Windows 10 peripheral drivers, signed off by Microsoft and running with powerful kernel-level privileges, are riddled...