Security News

Gazer/WhiteBear is Sophisticated Malware That Has Been Used Against High-profile Targets Security researchers and ESET and Kaspersky Lab have unveiled details on a new backdoor used by the...

The Turla APT's WhiteBear toolset was used to attack defense organizations as recently as June, and diplomatic targets in Europe, Asia and South America during most of 2016.

The Russia-linked cyber espionage group known as Turla has been using a new malware dropper in attacks apparently aimed at entities interested in G20, security firm Proofpoint reported last week. read more

Attackers behind APT campaigns have kept busy in Q2 2017, adding new ways to bypass detection, crafting new payloads to drop, and identifying new zero days and backdoors to help them infect users...

A piece of malware used in attacks by the Russia-linked cyberespionage group known as Turla is designed to obtain the address of its command and control (C&C) servers from comments posted to...

The cyber espionage group deploying the Turla (aka Snake, Uroburos, or Agent.BTZ) malware framework is expected to be able to target Mac users soon. The APT group The group, which security...

Researchers may have found a link between Moonlight Maze of the late ’90s and the Turla APT, which would elevate Turla to the ranks of the Equation Group as an elite nation-state attacker.