Security News

I Have Joined the Board of Directors of the Tor Project (Schneier on Security)
2016-07-15 18:32

This week, I have joined the board of directors of the Tor Project. Slashdot thread. Hacker News thread....

Riffle: A new anonymity system to rival Tor (Help Net Security)
2016-07-14 19:57

A group of researchers from MIT and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne have come up with a new anonymity system that is both bandwidth and computation efficient, as well as less...

Tor Project gets whole new board of directors (Help Net Security)
2016-07-14 15:04

Tor Project’s entire board of directors has stepped down and announced their successors. Among them are the noted “security guru” Bruce Schneier and Cindy Cohn, the Executive Director of the...

xDedic Hacked Server Market Resurfaces on Tor Domain (Threatpost)
2016-07-12 15:40

The xDedic market has resurfaced, this time on a Tor network domain and with the inclusion of a new enrollment fee.