Security News

Android Variant of Notorious Pegasus Spyware Found (Threatpost)
2017-04-04 22:10

Researchers say a variant of the notorious surveillance software called Pegasus has been targeting Android users allowing third parties to take screenshots, capture audio, read email and...

Google just discovered a dangerous Android Spyware that went undetected for 3 Years (The Hackers News)
2017-04-04 09:00

An Android version of one of the most sophisticated mobile spyware has been discovered that remained undetected for at least three years due to its smart self-destruction capabilities. Dubbed...

Verizon to pre-install a 'Spyware' app on its Android phones to collect user data (The Hackers News)
2017-03-30 11:24

If the death of online privacy rules wasn't enough for Internet Service Providers and advertisers to celebrate, Verizon has planned to pre-install spyware on customers' Android devices in order to...

German Government Classifies Doll as Illegal Spyware (Schneier on Security)
2017-02-20 12:55

This is interesting: The My Friend Cayla doll, which is manufactured by the US company Genesis Toys and distributed in Europe by Guildford-based Vivid Toy Group, allows children to access the...