Security News

Last week hackers allegedly compromised an admin’s Steam account and used it to spawn planes, tanks, and whales in Atlas.

Two of the most disruptive and widely-received spam email campaigns over the past few months -- including an ongoing sextortion email scam and a bomb threat hoax that shut down dozens of schools,...

Look out for traffic to and from these IP addresses and ports Once again, a hundred thousand or more home routers have been press-ganged into a spam-spewing botnet, this time via Universal Plug...

Social Network Reportedly Sees No Signs of Nation-State HackersFacebook is eyeing spammers as being the culprits behind its recently disclosed mega-breach, The Wall Street Journal reports....

A spam run detected by several security companies has attempted to deliver malware through an innovative technique: a link in a PowerPoint slideshow. The attack unfolds like this: A malicious...

Notorious spammer Peter Levashov was arrested over the weekend; Levashov is the alleged botmaster behind the Kelihos botnet.

If not careful, Twitter users who are dead set on seeing nude photos of WWE star Paige will end up on marketers’ spam lists and with their own Twitter account pushing out messages leading other...

A massive spam operation that sent out more than one billion messages a day was exposed by researchers who called the operation "illegal" and a “tangible threat to online privacy and security.”