Security News

If you ever wanted to play DOOM on a lawnmower, you will soon have your chance with a new software update coming to Husqvarna's robotic line of lawnmowers this spring. "The legendary 1993 video game DOOM® will be playable on Husqvarna Automower® NERA robotic lawnmower models from April this year," reads a news release on Husqvarna's site.

Taking these systems offline to upgrade them with better security can be difficult and very expensive, if it can be done at all. "Ideally this process would start with an accurate inventory of the infrastructure and systems you have, which sounds simple enough," adds Grant Bailey, Solutions Engineer with Claroty.

Security researchers have pinned a DDoS botnet that's infected potentially millions of smart TVs and set-top boxes to an eight-year-old cybercrime syndicate called Bigpanzi. "The potential for Bigpanzi-controlled TVs and STBs to broadcast violent, terroristic, or pornographic content, or to employ increasingly convincing AI-generated videos for political propaganda, poses a significant threat to social order and stability," said researchers at Chinese security biz Qianxin.

Multiple security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Bosch BCC100 thermostats and Rexroth NXA015S-36V-B smart nutrunners that, if successfully exploited, could allow attackers to execute...

About Bruce Schneier I am a public-interest technologist, working at the intersection of security, technology, and people. I've been writing about security issues on my blog since 2004, and in my monthly newsletter since 1998.

Threat actors have been observed serving malicious code by utilizing Binance's Smart Chain (BSC) contracts in what has been described as the "next level of bulletproof hosting." The campaign,...

Cybercriminals are employing a novel code distribution technique dubbed 'EtherHiding,' which abuses Binance's Smart Chain contracts to hide malicious scripts in the blockchain. The threat actors responsible for this campaign previously used compromised WordPress sites that redirected to Cloudflare Worker hosts for injecting malicious JavaScript into hacked websites, but later pivoted to abusing blockchain systems that provide a far more resilient and evasive distribution channel.

Hackers are once again abusing LinkedIn Smart Links in phishing attacks to bypass protection measures and evade detection in attempts to steal Microsoft account credentials. Smart Links are part of LinkedIn's Sales Navigator service, used for marketing and tracking, allowing Business accounts to email content using trackable links to determine who engaged with it.

TechRepublic Premium Portable Storage Policy Portable storage media allow employees to access or back up business data both inside and outside the office. The ease of use presented by portable storage devices can also place companies at significant risk of lost or stolen data.

TechRepublic Premium Portable Storage Policy Portable storage media allow employees to access or back up business data both inside and outside the office. Malware can infect portable storage media, which can then be inadvertently or purposely introduced .... TechRepublic Premium MSP Best Practices: Network Switch and Router Deployment Checklist No managed services provider should lock itself out of the very network switches or routers it deploys, yet such accidents occur.