Security News

Virus attack reveals flaw in network security strategies
2003-01-27 11:03 By ANICK JESDANUN, AP Internet Writer NEW YORK (January 26, 2003 4:20 p.m. EST) - The latest virus-like attack on the Internet...

Gates pledges better software security
2003-01-24 10:26 [Ten weeks of security training for employees is commendable, but security is always evolving; this is akin to the state driving...

Security News - ISO17799
2003-01-21 06:54

Forwarded from: Sarah Hollins ______________________________________________________ THE ISO17799 NEWSLETTER - EDITION 6...

Six top security issues for executives
2002-12-31 09:02,10801,77132,00.html [The Art of War by: Sun Tzu - WK] By Yona Hollander...

New Jersey lottery Web site may contain security risks, experts warn
2002-12-31 09:01 By JOHN P. McALPIN, Associated Press TRENTON, N.J. (December 30, 2002 2:41 p.m. EST) - New Jersey Lottery players who sign up for a...

FC: Great idea for 802.11 security tool: Emails the insecure
2002-12-23 07:30

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 02:48:57 -0500 From: Declan McCullagh To: politech () politechbot com Subject: FC: Great idea for 802.11 security tool: Emails the...

Re: REVIEW: 'Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards',
2002-12-06 06:47

Forwarded from: huggins () airmail net If policy is of interest to individuals the following link has excellent information under the FASP area also you could try...

Re: BIND Flaws Reignite Security Debate
2002-11-20 07:57

Forwarded from: Felix von Leitner Thus spake InfoSec News (isn () c4i org):

Security training for IT managers
2002-11-18 13:27,10801,75940,00.html By Peter H. Gregory CISSP, CISA NOVEMBER 15, 2002 In my first column, I wrote about how IT managers must think...

Re: IG: State Department flunks systems security
2002-11-06 06:27

Forwarded from: Chris Wysopal A year after? How about 4.5 years after? Serious Weaknesses Put State Department and FAA Operations at Risk InfoSec News wrote: