Security News,10801,90163,00.html By BOB BREWIN FEBRUARY 12, 2004 Cisco Systems Inc. has developed a new wireless LAN security protocol designed to...,10801,90131,00.html By John Blau FEBRUARY 11, 2004 Be careful the next time you turn on your Bluetooth-enabled phone: You could...

Forwarded from: "Julie JCH Ryan, D.Sc." 8th Annual Colloquium: 7-10 June, 2004 Cyber Security Partnerships: Â Cooperation, Collaboration, and Teamwork for...,10801,89302,00.html Advice by Rob van Hoboken Consul Risk Management JANUARY 29, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Twenty years ago, mainframes sat in...

Forwarded from: abe.usher () sharp-ideas net By studying messages on various information security mailing lists, I've created a visual depiction of INFOSEC community trends over time. You can view...,10801,88646,00.html By Scott Berinato DECEMBER 30, 2003 CIO MAGAZINE Scenario One After the Storm, Reform There's no need to imagine a...

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,88389,00.html By Dan Verton DECEMBER 18, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD WASHINGTON -- The White House...,10801,87950,00.html Story by Network World staff DECEMBER 08, 2003 NETWORK WORLD Patching is such a headache these days that a number... By Roy Mark November 17, 2003 The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and other Department of Treasury agencies, continue to have "material weaknesses"...

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,87098,00.html Story by Lucas Mearian NOVEMBER 13, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Steven...