Security News

Cisco develops WLAN security protocol to defeat password attacks
2004-02-13 14:20,10801,90163,00.html By BOB BREWIN FEBRUARY 12, 2004 Cisco Systems Inc. has developed a new wireless LAN security protocol designed to...

Cracks appear in Bluetooth security
2004-02-12 12:49,10801,90131,00.html By John Blau FEBRUARY 11, 2004 Be careful the next time you turn on your Bluetooth-enabled phone: You could...

CFP: 8th Annual Colloquium on Information Systems Security Education
2004-02-12 12:46

Forwarded from: "Julie JCH Ryan, D.Sc." 8th Annual Colloquium: 7-10 June, 2004 Cyber Security Partnerships: Â Cooperation, Collaboration, and Teamwork for...

Mainframe's midlife crisis: Security
2004-02-04 09:52,10801,89302,00.html Advice by Rob van Hoboken Consul Risk Management JANUARY 29, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Twenty years ago, mainframes sat in...

information security trends and patterns for 2003
2004-01-22 08:22

Forwarded from: abe.usher () sharp-ideas net By studying messages on various information security mailing lists, I've created a visual depiction of INFOSEC community trends over time. You can view...

The future of security
2003-12-31 09:11,10801,88646,00.html By Scott Berinato DECEMBER 30, 2003 CIO MAGAZINE Scenario One After the Storm, Reform There's no need to imagine a...

White House releases new infrastructure security directive
2003-12-19 13:42

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,88389,00.html By Dan Verton DECEMBER 18, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD WASHINGTON -- The White House...

Security experts form patch support group
2003-12-09 10:37,10801,87950,00.html Story by Network World staff DECEMBER 08, 2003 NETWORK WORLD Patching is such a headache these days that a number...

GAO Report Targets IRS Security Weaknesses
2003-11-18 12:11 By Roy Mark November 17, 2003 The Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and other Department of Treasury agencies, continue to have "material weaknesses"...

Homeland Security CIO calls for cybersecurity, communications standards
2003-11-14 14:46

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,87098,00.html Story by Lucas Mearian NOVEMBER 13, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Steven...