Security News

Attackers actively downing Microsoft's IIS web servers (Help Net Security)
2015-04-17 13:41

Attackers are actively exploiting a DoS vulnerability (CVE-2015-1635) affecting Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS) extensible web server, SANS ISC CTO Johannes Ullrich warns, and urges ad...

GitHub issues transparency report (Help Net Security)
2015-04-17 12:44

GitHub has released its first ever transparency report. Of the 10 subpoenas for user data, GitHub has disclosed information in 7 of them, and has informed affected users about it in 43 percent of ...

The No-Fly List and Due Process (Schneier on Security)
2015-04-17 11:54

The Congressional Research Service has released a report on the no-fly list and current litigation that it violates due process....

Exploit for crashing Minecraft servers made public (Help Net Security)
2015-04-17 11:07

After nearly two years of waiting for Mojang to fix a security vulnerability that can be used to crash Minecraft servers, programmer Ammar Askar has released a proof of concept exploit for the flaw in...

How IT pros protect and investigate their endpoints (Help Net Security)
2015-04-17 10:00

More organizations are operating under the assumption that their network has already been compromised, or will be, according to a survey conducted by the SANS Institute. Fifty-six percent of those ...

Pawn Storm cyberspies still at work, target NATO and the White House (Help Net Security)
2015-04-17 05:54

Pawn Storm, the long-standing economic and political cyber-espionage operation that has been first detailed in October 2014, continues unabated. Aiming to compromise the targets' computers and Outl...