Security News

Week in review: Researchers hack surgery robot, 5-year-old malware turns Linux servers into spamming machines (Help Net Security)
2015-05-04 05:03

Here's an overview of some of last week's most interesting news, podcasts and articles: The invasion of biometrics Depending on where you stand biometrics is a good thing or something that is do...

Ears as a Biometric (Schneier on Security)
2015-05-01 17:46

It's an obvious biometric for cell phones: Bodyprint recognizes users by their ears with 99.8% precision with a false rejection rate of only 1 out of 13. Grip, too. News story. EDITED TO ADD: I...

Researcher neutralizes Google's Password Alert with a few lines of code (Help Net Security)
2015-05-01 09:36

Google's Password Alert extension for Chrome, which was released on Wednesday, has received its first critical security update less than 24 hours later, as infosec consultant Paul Moore came up with a...