Security News

New Variant of KeyPass Ransomware Discovered
2018-08-13 20:10

Samples of the malware have been found in an array of countries, including Brazil and Vietnam.

Oh, fore putt's sake: Golf org PGA bunkered up by ransomware attack just days before tournament
2018-08-09 18:21

That's rough, bet they were well teed off – crooks want Bitcoin The Professional Golfers' Association of America (PGA) was hit by ransomware just before one of the sport's biggest pro events,...

BlackBerry launches new ransomware recovery feature
2018-08-08 10:50

BlackBerry announced its BlackBerry Workspaces content collaboration platform, featuring a new ransomware recovery capability that allows organizations to recover from cyberattacks. Despite the...

iPhone chipmaker blames ransomware for factory shutdowns
2018-08-07 12:51

Taiwan chipmaker TSMC is back up and running, and pinning the blame for its shutdown on an infection by WannaCry ransomware.

BlackBerry claims it can do to ransomware what Apple did to its phones
2018-08-06 18:48

Workspaces' time machine promises to make quick work of extortionists Black Hat While ransomware continues to extort factories, hospitals, schools, businesses, and ordinary netizens, BlackBerry...

New BlackBerry Workspaces platform could help businesses quickly recover from ransomware
2018-08-06 15:23

Ransomware reigns supreme in cyberattack vectors, causing many businesses to lose important data with company-wide rollbacks.

Atlanta's Reported Ransomware Bill: Up to $17 Million
2018-08-06 13:02

City Didn't Pay Ransom, But Spends for Cleanup, New Devices, Better SecurityThe cost of the city of Atlanta's mitigation and subsequent IT overhaul following a massive SamSam ransomware infection...

Alaskan borough dusts off the typewriters after ransomware crims pwn entire network
2018-08-03 10:50

Pen and paper brought back into service A ransomware infection has cast the Alaskan borough of Matanuska-Susitna (Mat-Su) has been cast back to the dark ages.…

Podcast: Breaking Down the COSCO Ransomware Attack
2018-08-02 15:44

Threatpost talks to Commvault's Matt Tyrer about the recent COSCO ransomware attack.

How to defend yourself against SamSam ransomware
2018-08-02 13:59

Drawing on new research we look at how best to defend your organisation against SamSam.