Security News

In a previous column, I wrote about how evasive malware has become commoditized and described how the techniques being used in any given piece of malware had grown in number and sophistication—the...

The scam targets Netflix users and asks for payment information.

The second report in a week has analysed phishing attacks that are attempting – and probably succeeding – in bypassing older forms of two-factor authentication (2FA).

Phishing attacks have become more targeted and sophisticated and also show a focus on enterprises, cloud-based Internet security services provider Cyren says. read more

Some 42% of companies say employees have fallen victim to a phishing attack, according to EdgeWave. Here's how to keep them safe.

Protecting an account with multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a no-brainer, but that doesn’t mean every method for doing this is equally secure.

Phishing attacks flourished in 2018, but organizations can protect themselves with the three tips below.

A recent campaign attributed to the Russian cyber-espionage group Sofacy hit government agencies in four continents in an attempt to infect them with malware, Palo Alto Networks security...

Social media platforms are just as susceptible to phishing attempts as email. Learn some strategies to protect yourself and your users from such attacks.

Arizona Cancer Center a Recent Victim of Major Phishing AttackAs the year winds down, phishing and ransomware attacks continue to plague the healthcare sector, as illustrated by recent breach...