Security News
William Knowles writes: The corporation formerly known as the L0pht courts Mark Abene, balks at his hacker past. By Kevin Poulsen September 1, 2000 5:12 AM PT When Mark Abene found... Aug. 24, 2000 By Kenneth Pringle NEW YORK ( -- The requests came in by the thousands, from men, women and children around the... By Uday Lal Pai India Correspondent, [August 29, 2000--MUMBAI] Management consulting firm KPMG KPMG has launched its Internet Risk... During a recent trip to New York to attend HOPE 2000, I was introduced to a new project underway to help "dispel the myths about hackers".... August 18, 2000 by Tom Mainelli (IDG) -- Thinking of trying out one of those services that pay you to surf? Better do...
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 23:18:31 MDT From: To: wk () c4i org Subject: Catch of the Day: Until there's a cure ... Until there's a cure ... A... [Moderators note: I used to get these notices from the group that sponsors these events, and thought that many of you on the list might benefit from exhibiting at...
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 14:07:25 -0400 To: cypherpunks () cyberpass net From: John Young Subject: Feds Bust Kazakstan Hackers Sender: owner-cypherpunks ()...
(I've cc:d this message to the NSW Parliamentary Council Office lest they be interested in some public comment prior to this legislation actually being drafted by them for the Attorney General and...