Security News

Forwarded from: "Rob, grandpa of Ryan, Trevor, Devon & Hannah" BKCISPEN.RVW 20050330 "CISSP Exam Notes", K. Wan, 2003, 988-97323-1-9, U$24.95 %A K. Wan kplab () pacific net hk %C Hong Kong %D 2003...,10801,102409,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan JUNE 10, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will... By Sam Varghese June 13, 2005 Tech research firm Gartner's recent advice [1] not to overhype security threats seems to contradict...,,102307,00.html Opinion by Jian Zhen JUNE 08, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD Security through obscurity is probably one of the oldest tricks in the... By Patrick Gray June 7, 2005 Next Two words that should never pass the lips of a software vendor... By Jonathan Krim Washington Post Staff Writer June 1, 2005 The FBI is investigating the theft of a laptop...,10801,102049,00.html By Linda Rosencrance MAY 26, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD The U.S. Department of Homeland Security must do more to protect... By Patrick Gray May 24, 2005 Next Some people just won't learn, according to the University of Washington's... May 23, 2005 NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Bank of America Corp. and Wachovia Corp. are among the big banks notifying more than 670,000... By Brian Krebs Staff Writer May 19, 2005 The caper had all the necessary ingredients to...