Security News

A Decade of Oracle Security
2008-07-30 05:17 A Decade of Oracle Security Mon Jul 28 13:57:15 EDT 2008 Jericho (Security Curmudgeon) Oracle Corporation, one of the largest software companies in the...

Oracle keeps many users waiting on April patches
2006-05-03 06:27,10801,111098,00.html By Robert McMillan IDG NEWS SERVICE MAY 02, 2006 Testing problems are forcing some Oracle Corp. users to...

Q&A: Oracle exec says users get enough flaw info
2006-01-23 07:24,10801,107928,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan JANUARY 20, 2006 COMPUTERWORLD As senior director of security assurance at Oracle Corp.,...

Oracle CEO Touts Security Plans
2005-09-23 05:42 By David Needle September 21, 2005 SAN FRANCISCO -- With all the fervor of a sold-out rock concert, thousands of Oracle faithful packed the...

Re: Oracle Patch Fixes 23 'Critical' Vulnerabilities
2005-01-21 08:07

Forwarded from: security curmudgeon : In the past, Oracle has been criticized for its lackadaisical approach : to addressing critical security flaws. At the Black Hat security : conference in Las...

34 flaws found in Oracle database software
2004-08-04 17:47,10801,95013,00.html By Jaikumar Vijayan AUGUST 03, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD Oracle Corp. will soon issue patches to fix 34 different...

Feds, Oracle team up to boost security
2003-09-23 15:01,10801,85202,00.html Story by Jaikumar Vijayan SEPTEMBER 19, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD Five federal agencies, in collaboration with the Center...