Security News

Easter Bunny Continues to Compromise US Military Computers
2008-12-02 07:26

Forwarded from: "J. Oquendo" More humorous news from the "Chinese invades the US Infrastructure" front. I don't know about anyone else, but imagine me stating: "I saw Tom Jones steal my car but I...

Not one but THREE military laptops have gone missing as security breach grows, admits Defence Secretary
2008-01-23 06:36 The Daily Mail 21st January 2008 Three military laptops with personal details of up to 600,000...

Sweden misplaces military secrets
2008-01-07 07:11 4 January 2008 BBC News Sweden's military is investigating a major security breach after a member of staff left a memory stick holding classified data...

Most in military believe a war with China will come
2007-12-13 08:04 POLL: Lieutenant General Chen Kuo-hsiang said that the questionnaire was given to 3,010 soldiers who took part in an exercise...

Military Medical Breach Revealed
2007-07-24 05:06 By Ellen Nakashima and Renae Merle Washington Post Staff Writers July 21, 2007 A government contractor handling...

Data Theft Hit 80% Of Active Military
2006-06-07 05:08 By Ann Scott Tyson and Christopher Lee Washington Post Staff Writers June 7, 2006 Social Security numbers and...

Chinese hackers attack Taiwan military news agency ahead of	drill
2004-07-20 12:11 20 July 2004 TAIPEI: Suspected Chinese hackers have launched an offensive against the website of Taiwan's Military News...

UK military denies ban on iPods
2004-07-14 05:49 By Alfred Hermida BBC News Online technology editor 13 July, 2004 The Ministry of Defence has denied reports that it has banned Apple's iPod due...

US expert: The military should guard our cyberspace borders
2002-01-17 10:11 Wednesday, January 16, 2002 By M. MADHAVAN KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's information technology infrastructure...

Annual Report to Congress on the Military Power of the              Peoples              Republic of China.
2000-06-26 23:44

[While some here on ISN will think this is on the razors edge of information security, I like to remind people that the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army are spending lots of time and money...