Security News

Malware-infected game discovered on Google Play, up to 1 million users at risk (Help Net Security)
2015-09-22 07:08

Check Point researchers found sophisticated new malware on Google Play which has infected between 200,000 and 1 million users. The malware is packaged within an Android game app called BrainTest, whic...

Reactions to the XcodeGhost malware infecting iOS apps (Help Net Security)
2015-09-22 07:04

Unknown malware pushers have managed to trick Apple into offering for download from the company's official App Store a considerable number of malicious apps. Here are some of the comments Help Net ...

XcodeGhost iOS Malware Contained (Threatpost)
2015-09-21 17:00

iOS apps infected with the XcodeGhost malware have been removed from the App Store and three command domains communicating with infected apps have been shut down.