Security News

HandBrake for Mac Compromised with Proton Spyware (Threatpost)
2017-05-08 17:55

The open source HandBrake project is warning anyone who recently downloaded the Mac version of the software that they’re likely infected with malware.

If you downloaded HandBrake for Mac, you could be infected with Proton RAT (Help Net Security)
2017-05-08 13:10

A mirror download server of HandBrake, a popular open source video conversion app for Mac, has been compromised, and the legitimate app .dmg file switched with a Trojanized version containing the...

Website of Popular Mac Software Hacked to Spread Malware (The Hackers News)
2017-05-08 01:33

If you have recently downloaded the popular open source video transcoder app HandBrake on your Mac, there are chances that your computer is infected with a notorious Remote Access Trojan (RAT)....