Security News

President Donald Trump announced this week that the U.S. is withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal and reimposing sanctions on the Middle Eastern country. read more

Since last week, a new hacking group, calling itself 'JHT,' hijacked a significant number of Cisco devices belonging to organizations in Russia and Iran, and left a message that reads—"Do not mess...

A significant number of Cisco switches located in Iran and Russia have been hijacked in what appears to be a hacktivist campaign conducted in protest of election-related hacking. However, it’s...

An Iran-linked cyber-espionage group has been using new malware and data exfiltration techniques in recent attacks, security firm Nyotron has discovered. The threat actor, known as OilRig, has...

An Iran-linked group is linked to a massive spear phishing campaign that sends malicious Word Docs to victims in Asia and the Middle East.

The Iran-based targeted attack group known as "Chafer" has been expanding its target list in the Middle East and beyond and adding new tools to its cyberweapon arsenal, Symantec warns. read more

The recently uncovered malware known as “Triton” and “Trisis” was likely developed by Iran and used to target an organization in Saudi Arabia, according to industrial cybersecurity and threat...

A threat group said to be associated with Iranian government-directed cyber operations is believed to be operating a fake online persona to target organizations in the Middle East with malware,...