Security News

One-Third of Industrial Networks Connected to Internet: Study
2017-10-24 12:16

Many industrial and critical infrastructure systems are connected to the Internet, and the operational technology (OT) networks of some organizations have already been compromised, according to a...

New Rapidly-Growing IoT Botnet Threatens to Take Down the Internet
2017-10-21 00:49

Just a year after Mirai—biggest IoT-based malware that caused vast Internet outages by launching massive DDoS attacks—completed its first anniversary, security researchers are now warning of a...

EU MEPs want stronger privacy rules for Internet-enabled communication services
2017-10-20 17:40

With 31 votes for, 24 against and one abstention, the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) has backed new privacy protections for EU citizens. The...

G7 to Put Squeeze on Internet Giants at Terror Talks
2017-10-19 20:31

Tech giants including Google, Facebook and Twitter will come under pressure in Italy this week to go further and faster in helping G7 powers tackle the ever-greater threat of extremists online. read more

NIST Readies to Tackle Internet's Global BGP Vulnerabilities
2017-10-04 19:16

NIST has published an update on its work on the new Secure Internet Domain Routing (SIDR) standards designed to provide the internet the security that is currently lacking from the Border Gateway...

Threat Modeling the Internet of Things: Part 4 - Weak Authentication
2017-10-04 12:20

For the first time, one of the largest cyber security conferences in the ASEAN region, the Singapore Internet CyberSecurity Week (SICW), had a track devoted just to the Internet of Things. One...

The Internet Bug Bounty offers rewards for bugs in data processing libraries
2017-10-02 17:40

The Internet Bug Bounty (IBB), a project aimed at finding and fixing vulnerabilities in core internet infrastructure and free open source software, has announced that it will be giving out rewards...

Sophisticated Phishing Attacks Target Internet Freedom Activists
2017-09-29 10:36

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) revealed on Wednesday that employees of Internet freedom NGOs “Free Press” and “Fight for the Future” have been targeted in sophisticated spear-phishing...

New Internet Explorer Bug
2017-09-28 19:21

There's a newly discovered bug in Internet Explorer that allows any currently visited website to learn the contents of the address bar when the user hits enter. This feels important; the site I am...

Did You Know: Browsing the Internet is a Risk to the M&A Process?
2017-09-28 11:48

While mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are generally known for bringing economic growth and opportunity, people are beginning to realize that the process also brings serious cybersecurity risks. read more