Security News

Main sources of data breaches: Phishing, RAM scrapers, web app insecurity (Help Net Security)
2015-04-14 10:26

US telecom giant Verizon has published its 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report, which is based on an analysis of nearly 80,000 security incidents, including more than 2,100 confirmed data breaches,...

More Insecurity At Lawrence Livermore Lab
2009-04-16 05:08 By Robert O'Harrow Government Inc. The Washington Post April 15, 2009 The Government Accountability Office...

Insecurity through obscurity
2005-06-09 05:16,,102307,00.html Opinion by Jian Zhen JUNE 08, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD Security through obscurity is probably one of the oldest tricks in the...

RSA Unveils 'Internet Insecurity Index'
2003-04-16 07:59 By Michael Singer April 15, 2003 SAN FRANCISCO -- You are not as safe surfing the Web this year as you were last year, according to a...