Security News

Most infosec pros consider government-mandated encryption backdoors a bad idea (Help Net Security)
2016-03-04 14:37

Apple and the FBI have been engaged in a legal battle over the federal government’s right to require built-in smartphone encryption software that could aid law enforcement investigations. This...

Are CIOs wasting millions on infosec that doesn’t work? (Help Net Security)
2016-02-29 15:30

There’s overwhelming consensus among IT executives that the foundation of cybersecurity—cryptographic keys and digital certificates—is being left unprotected, leaving enterprises blind, in chaos,...

Perceptions and buying practices of infosec decision makers (Help Net Security)
2016-02-23 15:00

CyberEdge Group surveyed 1,000 IT infosec decision makers and practitioners from 10 countries, five continents, and 19 industries, and unsurprisingly, the news is not good. In fact, network...