Security News

US: We'll pull security co-operation if you lot buy from Huawei
2019-04-12 11:01

America tries to keep the pressure on Chinese biz A US official has repeated his country's threats against its allies over Huawei – stating that the US's goal is a process that leads "inevitably...

US Colleges Halt Work With Huawei Following Federal Charges
2019-04-05 05:07

Some of the nation’s top research universities are cutting ties with Chinese tech giant Huawei as the company faces allegations of bank fraud and trade theft. read more

NSA-Inspired Vulnerability Found in Huawei Laptops
2019-03-29 11:11

This is an interesting story of a serious vulnerability in a Huawei driver that Microsoft found. The vulnerability is similar in style to the NSA's DOUBLEPULSAR that was leaked by the Shadow...

UK Identifies Fresh Huawei Risks to Telecom Networks
2019-03-28 14:34

Britain has identified "significant" issues in Huawei's engineering processes that pose "new risks" for the nation's telecommunications, a government report found Thursday amid lingering global...

Huawei Security Shortcomings Cited by British Intelligence
2019-03-28 14:03

More 'Defects' Found in Software Engineering and Cybersecurity ProcessesBritain's intelligence establishment warns that Chinese networking giant Huawei's "software engineering and cybersecurity...

Huawei savaged by Brit code review board over pisspoor dev practices
2019-03-28 12:44

HCSEC pulls no technical punches in annual report Britain's Huawei oversight board has said the Chinese company is a threat to British national security after all – and some existing mobile...

Huawei bungled router security, leaving kit open to botnets, despite alert from ISP years prior
2019-03-28 09:15

Chinese kit slinger was told of UPnP flaw in 2013, didn't do too much about it Exclusive Huawei bungled its response to warnings from an ISP's code review team about a security vulnerability...

EU Presents Plan for Safe 5G Amid Huawei Suspicions
2019-03-27 06:14

The European Commission on Tuesday presented its plan to ensure the secure introduction of 5G telecoms networks, with suspicions hanging over Chinese giant Huawei. read more

How Microsoft found a Huawei driver that opened systems to attack
2019-03-26 19:03

Monitoring systems were looking for attacks using technique popularized by the NSA.

Microsoft Finds Privilege Escalation, Code Execution Flaws in Huawei Tool
2019-03-25 19:17

Microsoft researchers have identified potentially serious privilege escalation and arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities in a tool from Huawei. The vendor has released updates that should patch...