Security News

Phishing Schemes Continue to Plague the Healthcare Sector
2019-10-24 19:03

Experts Offer Insights on Mitigating the ThreatRecent health data breaches involving phishing schemes are reminders of the persistent threat email-related scams pose to healthcare organizations -...

Healthcare E-Commerce Site Breach Undetected for Years
2019-10-18 20:03

Mission Health Says Patient Medical Data Was Not ExposedA North Carolina-based healthcare organization has reportedly discovered that malicious code had been contained on its e-commerce site for...

Email Breaches: A Growing Healthcare Challenge
2019-10-17 18:33

What Steps Should Entities Take to Battle Back?Data breaches involving phishing and related email compromises persist as a top challenge for healthcare providers. So, what are some of the top...

Intimate Details on Healthcare Workers Exposed as Cloud Security Lags
2019-10-08 20:55

Ponemon survey data shows that only a third of IT staff say they take a security-first approach to data storage in the cloud.

UT Austin launches first ever healthcare cybersecurity leadership program in the US
2019-10-08 19:37

With the shortage of cybersecurity professionals in the US, UT's program aims to develop individuals who can mitigate security risks in healthcare.

Latest U.S. Healthcare Ransomware Attacks Have Harsh Impact
2019-10-02 21:18

In Worst-Case Scenarios, Patient Care Directly AffectedA recent rash of ransomware attacks in the U.S. healthcare sector shows the serious disruptions these assaults can pose - including...

Healthcare Cybersecurity Info Sharing Resource Unveiled
2019-09-25 19:18

A new resource designed to help healthcare organizations of all sizes engage in cybersecurity information sharing is now available. Errol Weiss, who helped create the "cybersecurity matrix,"...

For Sale: Admin Access Credentials to Healthcare Systems
2019-09-13 19:18

Cybercriminals are "upping their game" by stealing and then auctioning off on the dark web administrative access credentials to healthcare organizations' clinician and patient portals, says Etay...

Cybercriminals shop for admin access to healthcare portals
2019-09-13 19:07

Administrator access to backend systems is becoming the holy grail for attackers.

A New Credential for Healthcare Security Leaders
2019-08-12 19:03

A new professional credential aims to help healthcare organizations bolster their security leadership bench strength, says William Brad Marsh, co-chair of a committee that developed the certification.