Security News

Changes to Rule 41 will increase law enforcement hacking, surveillance (Help Net Security)
2016-06-22 13:05

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the Tor Project, and dozens of other organizations are calling on citizens and website operators to take action to block a new rule pushed by the U.S....

Dept. of Justice Makes Plea for Mass Surveillance, Hacking (Threatpost)
2016-06-21 16:00

The Department of Justice is countering a growing chorus of privacy advocates who are against a rule change that will greatly expand law enforcement’s ability to hack into computers located around...

Russians Hacking DNC Computers (Schneier on Security)
2016-06-14 17:50

The Washington Post is reporting that Russian hackers penetrated the network of the Democratic National Committee and stole opposition research on Donald Trump. The evidence is from CrowdStrike:...