Security News

77% of IT pros believe their enterprises will be hacked--but almost half aren't ready for it
2018-08-24 14:02

According to a recent Kaspersky Lab report, most IT professionals and decision makers expect a cyberattack within the year. Yet many lack resources and personnel to prepare or respond.

T-Mobile Hacked — 2 Million Customers' Personal Data Stolen
2018-08-24 11:03

T-Mobile today confirmed that the telecom giant suffered a security breach on its US servers on August 20 that may have resulted in the leak of "some" personal information of up to 2 million...

Smart homes can be easily hacked via unsecured MQTT servers
2018-08-20 15:53

The Internet of Things is full of security holes, and the latest one has been pointed out by Avast researcher Martin Hron: unsecured MQTT servers. What is MQTT? The Message Queuing Telemetry...

16-Year-Old Teen Hacked Apple Servers, Stole 90GB of Secure Files
2018-08-17 12:18

Well, there's something quite embarrassing for Apple fans. Though Apple servers are widely believed to be unhackable, a 16-year-old high school student proved that nothing is impossible. The...

Who was it that hacked Apple? Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie, boy boy boy!
2018-08-16 23:02

Protip: don't label your folder of warez as "hacky hack hack" An overzealous Apple fanboy from Australia plead guilty to criminal charges after he allegedly cracked the Cupertino giant's systems...

US voting systems: Full of holes, loaded with pop music, and hacked in 10 min by an 11-year-old
2018-08-13 14:30

Good luck voting in November, folks in US, you're going to need it DEF CON Hackers of all ages have been investigating America’s voting machine tech and the results aren’t good - one enterprising...

How some business Macs could get hacked right out of the box
2018-08-10 14:22

A new report from Wired reveals a common vulnerability in Macs that exploits DEP and MDM platforms.

How one man could have hacked every Mac developer (73% of them, anyway)
2018-08-10 12:49

An inadvertently exposed login key could have spelled cybersecurity disaster for the Homebrew project, beloved of Mac developers everywhere.

Crims hacked accounts, got phones, resold them – and the Feds reckon they've nabbed 'em
2018-08-09 20:11

Thousands of mobes allegedly slurped, fenced via phishing, etc A dozen people have been indicted in America for allegedly fencing more than $1m in smartphones and other kit obtained via hacking and fraud.…