Security News By Kevin Poulsen SecurityFocus June 4, 2004 In a rare wireless hacking conviction, a Michigan man entered a guilty plea Friday in federal court in Charlotte,... By Kevin Poulsen SecurityFocus May 3 2004 A Florida man has been charged in federal court in Washington DC for his alleged role as one-half of the... By Mark Rasch June 16, 2003 A few odd cases show that you don't have be a digital desparado to be accused of a cybercrime... particularly if you... By SCOTT PESZNECKER June 10, 2003 Despite the state budget crisis that's also hitting counties, Calaveras County supervisors on Monday... By Nathan Cochrane and Sue Cant April 8 2003 Next Australia's critical information infrastructure is at risk because of the Federal...
Forwarded from: William Knowles 26 March, 2003 Jumping on to the increasing number of wireless networks around cities such as London has become...
Forwarded from: Kurt Seifried BEIJING (September 25, 2002 11:40 a.m. EDT) - Responding to accusations that China's government tried to break into the Dalai... By Kim Zetter August 13 2002 South African computer security consultants Roelof Temmingh and Charl van der Walt were 30 minutes into...
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