Security News
Google on Thursday announced that it will soon block login attempts from embedded browser frameworks in an effort to prevent man-in-the-middle (MitM) phishing attacks. read more
In an attempt to thwart Android developers who are set to distribute malicious apps through Google Play, Google will be taking more time when reviewing apps by developers with newly minted...
Capsule8 announced it is included as a Security Partner Integration within the newly launched Google Cloud Security Command Center (Cloud SCC), a security and data risk platform to help security...
Android developers without a track record are going to be submitted to more checks in order to stamp out those of “bad faith.”
All your URLs are belong to u On Tuesday Google renovated its Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) web publishing format, making it more secure with less Chocolate Factory branding - a change certain to...
Google is changing its app review process to address developer complaints. Here's what you need to know about it.
Even after Google's security oversight over its already-huge Android ecosystem has evolved over the years, malware apps still keep coming back to Google Play Store. Sometimes just reposting an...
Law enforcement officials in the US have been routinely mining Google’s location history data for criminal investigations.
The apps, which claim to help users rack up followers, are well-rated and have been downloaded tens of thousands of times.
It's no secret that Google tracks you everywhere, even when you keep Google's Location History feature disabled. As revealed by an Associated Press investigation in 2018, other Google apps like...