Security News
Reminder—If you've forgotten about any Google app after using it once a few years ago, be careful, it may still have access to your private emails. When it comes to privacy on social media, we...
Google's new mail features might prove to be a big issue for litigation and corporate investigations due to the compliance and e-discovery complications it creates, says Relativity e-Discovery's...
Gmail's new Confidential Mode has been rolled out. This how-to walks you through the process of making use of this dealing-making feature.
2FA just got better so don't be like everyone else - actually use it!
Google is slowly rolling out a number of changes for consumer Gmail users and G Suite users. Some of the changes improve usability and productivity, while others are meant to maximize data and...
Google on Wednesday ramped up privacy controls in a Gmail overhaul, aiming first at businesses that use its suite of workplace tools hosted in the internet cloud. The "all new" Gmail is available...
Google has finally been rolling out its new massively redesigned Gmail for desktop and mobile to 1.4 billion of users worldwide, which might be the most significant single upgrade in Gmail's...
The method behind the spam glitch was spotted last year but ignored by Google
Google this week announced that iOS users can now receive Google prompts via their Gmail application. read more