Security News

Massive DDoS against GitHub continues (Help Net Security)
2015-03-30 13:41

Popular web-based Git repository hosting service GitHub has been battling a massive DDoS attack - the biggest they have ever experienced - for the last four days. "The attack began around 2AM UTC o...

GitHub Hit With DDoS Attack (Threatpost)
2015-03-27 15:54

A large-scale DDoS attack, apparently emanating from China, has been hammering the servers at GitHub over the course of the last 12 hours, periodically causing service outages at the code-sharing...

GitHub ordered to hand over access logs to Uber
2015-03-26 09:48 By Kieren McCarthy The Register 25 Mar 2015

Uber’s epic DB blunder is hardly an except	ion. GitHub is awash in passwords
2015-03-05 09:41 By Dan Goodin Ars Technica March 4, 2015