Security News

Bankers association reports fraud resulted from hack of TJX customer data
2007-01-25 07:26 The Sydney Morning Herald January 25, 2007 Customer...

Indian call centre worker held over credit card fraud
2006-09-06 06:07 September 4, 2006 AFP A call centre employee has been arrested in eastern...

Indian call center workers charged with Citibank fraud
2005-04-08 05:55,10801,100900,00.html By John Ribeiro APRIL 07, 2005 IDG NEWS SERVICE BANGALORE, India -- Former employees of a call center...

South Korea probes online dealing fraud
2002-08-28 09:04 26 August, 2002 South Korean police are investigating a fraud which saw hackers break through a bank's security system to sell 5 million shares they...