Security News
![Avast and AVG Browser Extensions Spying On Chrome and Firefox Users](/static/build/img/news/alt/data-statistics-small.jpg)
If your Firefox or Chrome browser has any of the below-listed four extensions offered by Avast and its subsidiary AVG installed, you should disable or remove them as soon as possible. Avast Online...
![Firefox gets tough on tracking tricks that sneakily sap your privacy](/static/build/img/news/alt/password-statistics-small.jpg)
Firefox is getting ready to turn on its automatic anti-snooping tools to stop web 'fingerprinting" tricks.
![Bad news: 'Unblockable' web trackers emerge. Good news: Firefox with uBlock Origin can stop it. Chrome, not so much](/static/build/img/news/alt/web-statistics-2-small.jpg)
Ad-tech arms race continues: DNS system exploited to silently follow folks around the web Developers working on open-source ad-blocker uBlock Origin have uncovered a mechanism for tracking web...
![Mozilla Bug Bounty Program Doubles Payouts, Adds Firefox Monitor](/static/build/img/news/alt/ransomware-statistic-small.jpg)
In scope RCE Mozilla bug bounty payouts have also tripled to reach $15,000.
![Tech Support Scammers Exploiting Unpatched Firefox Bug](/static/build/img/news/alt/web-statistics-2-small.jpg)
Mozilla is working on addressing a Firefox bug that has been exploited by tech support scammers to lock the browser when users visit specially crafted websites. read more
![Firefox Privacy Protection makes website trackers visible](/static/build/img/news/alt/password-statistics-small.jpg)
Mozilla has added another privacy tweak to Firefox version 70 - the ability to quickly see how often websites are tracking users.
![Critical Firefox Bugs Allow Arbitrary Code-Execution](/static/build/img/news/alt/cyberattack-statistics-1-small.jpg)
Multiple critical memory safety bugs in Firefox 69 and Firefox ESR 68.1 in particular affect medium and large government entities and enterprises.
![Firefox 70 lets users track online trackers](/static/build/img/news/alt/malware-statistics-2-scaled-small.jpg)
Mozilla has released Firefox 70.0, which delivers performance and power consumption improvements, helpful browser features, new options for developers and, most prominently, new security and...
![Minigame: Celebrate Firefox 70's release by finding a website with 70+ trackers blocked](/static/build/img/news/alt/cybersecurity-breach-statistics-small.jpg)
Yeah, it's not us Firefox turned 70 today, at least in terms of version, with an update focused on - surprise, surprise - security and privacy.…
![How to find the Firefox Certificate Viewer](/static/build/img/news/alt/data-statistics-small.jpg)
Mozilla is set to launch a Certificate Viewer. Find out why and how to open it.