Security News
A suspect will be jailed for 14 months for refusing to hand over his Facebook password to detectives investigating a 13-year-old's murder.
GDPR: it means give users their data when they ask for it, and Facebook's refusal to do so has provoked an inquiry by the Irish DPC.
Facebook failed to fully sanitize error data returned by a public facing web app.
The murder took place long before the World Wide Web, but Facebook turned up both the killer and his sons, who had witnessed the crime.
Facebook has pulled one of its own products from Apple's app store because it didn't want to stop tracking what people were doing on their iPhones. Facebook also banned a quiz app from its social...
Find flaw, report flaw, fix flaw, get paid. Bish, bash, bosh Facebook has patched a remote-code execution flaw discovered in one of its servers.…
The news comes as President Trump tweets opposition to take-down efforts by the tech giants.
Apple last week suggested that Facebook remove its Onavo security app from the App store due to privacy rule violations. On Wednesday, Facebook complied.
Info collected on folk outside the social network 'not readily accessible' Facebook's refusal to hand over the data it holds on users' web activity is to be probed by the Irish Data Protection...
Facebook has been struggling to keep its data privacy woes at bay this week, between banning apps on its social media platform - and pulling its own app from Apple's store.