Security News

Telegram Gained 3 Million New Users During WhatsApp, Facebook Outage
2019-03-14 10:48

WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram faced a widespread outage yesterday with users from around the world reporting issues with sending messages on WhatsApp and Messenger, posting feeds on Facebook...

Facebook Faces Criminal Probe of Data Deals: Report
2019-03-14 01:08

US prosecutors have launched a criminal investigation into Facebook's practice of sharing users' data with companies without letting the social network's members know, The New York Times reported...

Judging Facebook's Privacy Shift
2019-03-13 11:51

Facebook is making a new and stronger commitment to privacy. Last month, the company hired three of its most vociferous critics and installed them in senior technical positions. And on Wednesday,...

Facebook sues developers over data-scraping quizzes
2019-03-12 13:20

Downloaded by 63K users, the quizzes promised answers to questions such as "What kind of dog are you according to your zodiac sign?"

GIF Attack on Facebook Messenger Earned Hacker $10,000
2019-03-11 16:21

A white hat hacker earned $10,000 from Facebook last year for finding a Messenger vulnerability that apparently could have been exploited to randomly obtain other users’ images. read more

Mark Zuckerberg Describes a New Privacy-Centric Facebook
2019-03-11 15:29

2001 was not a good year for Microsoft. Its servers were ravaged by the Code Red and Nimda worms. In 2002, Bill Gates responded with his seminal 'security memo' to staff. He talked about security...

Facebook Alleges Two Ukrainians Scraped Data From 63K Profiles
2019-03-11 14:51

Facebook is suing two Ukrainian men who were able to scrape data from 63,000 users' profiles by enticing users to download a malicious browser extension.

Zuck says Facebook is becoming more “privacy focused”
2019-03-08 11:58

Facebook's planning a new, highly integrated platform and talking a lot about encrypted messaging.

Facebook criticised for misuse of phone numbers provided for security
2019-03-05 22:23

Facebook admits it's using numbers supplied for 2FA for more than security, and you can't turn it off.

When 2FA means sweet FA privacy: Facebook admits it slurps mobe numbers for more than just profile security
2019-03-04 22:39

'This isn’t a mistake now, this is clearly an intentional product choice' says ex-CSO Stamos Another week, another Facebook privacy storm.…