Security News

Security experts frantically facepalming at stupid design Fundamental flaws in the encryption system used by popular solid-state drives (SSDs) can be exploited by miscreants to easily decrypt...

Cyber law changes proposed in Australia specifically state that companies will not be required to implement encryption backdoors, but tech giants are still concerned that the current form of the...

Chip timing could be as effective and harder to hack Hardware-based random number generators (HWRNGs) for encryption could be superseded after a Philippines-based researcher found that...

Earlier this month, I wrote about a statement by the Five Eyes countries about encryption and back doors. (Short summary: they like them.) One of the weird things about the statement is that it...

In my year-long research project, the F5 Labs’ 2018 Application Protection Report, I asked if security professionals used storage encryption for data and applications. About 19% of survey...

WinMagic is encouraging enterprises to adopt server encryption as part of their regular data security strategy – even if those servers are behind lock and key. When it comes to server protection,...

Jetico has announced a new version of its disk encryption. BestCrypt Volume Encryption 4 now delivers a smoother interface and faster performance to encrypt hard drives. For over 20 years, Jetico...

Comprehensive Data Security Measures Should Include a Formal Process for Application Security and Vulnerability Assessment read more

Researcher Finds Intel's Previous Management Engine Patches Weren't FoolproofIntel has had a challenging time of late on the vulnerability front. It has issued yet another patch for its Management...

WinMagic has recently delivered the enterprise-class managed full drive encryption solution for Linux. The new capability empowers the company to assist enterprises struggling with managing...