Security News

Critical RCE bug in FireEye's security appliances exploitable via email (Help Net Security)
2015-12-16 09:00

Last week, FireEye has silently pushed out a patch for an extremely easy-to-exploit remote code execution bug affecting its NX, EX, FX and AX Series security appliances in their default configuration.

Fake "account verification" email targeting users (Help Net Security)
2015-12-15 07:04

Businesses who use to connect with Chinese manufacturers are being targeted in a recently discovered phishing campaign, Comodo warns. It takes the form of phishing emails made to look l...

Business email compromise scams still happening, still successful (Help Net Security)
2015-12-11 09:50

Despite repeated warnings issued by law enforcement, information sharing organizations, and security companies, Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams still abound and the scammers still "earn" money. ...