Security News

Know your enemy: Defining the new taxonomy of malicious emails (Help Net Security)
2017-04-27 15:00

Just as it is the default tool for most businesses, email’s capacity for rapid, mass communication has made it a favourite instrument of criminals. As a result, malicious emails have become a...

Former Expedia IT support worker gets prison time for hacking execs’ emails, insider trading (Help Net Security)
2017-04-26 14:41

A IT support technician formerly employed at Expedia offices in San Francisco was sentenced to 15 months in prison for securities fraud, plus three years supervised release. 28-year-old San...

Fake LinkedIn emails phishing job seekers (Help Net Security)
2017-04-18 15:57

Fake LinkedIn emails are hitting inboxes, trying to get recipients to hand over their CVs. The scammers are trying to impersonate the popular employment-oriented social networking service, but...