Security News

A Year Later, XSS Vulnerability Still Exists in eBay (Threatpost)
2015-04-29 18:27

A potentially dangerous XSS vulnerability has existed in eBay for more than a year and it doesn’t appear the company is a rush to fix the issue.

Stolen CentCom computers were found on eBay
2015-04-27 16:02 By Patty Ryan Times Staff Writer Tampa Bay Times April 21, 2015

eBay Fixes File Upload and Patch Disclosure Bugs (Threatpost)
2015-03-30 17:41

eBay has fixed a pair of security vulnerabilities in its site that could enable attackers to upload executable files disguised as benign file types, construct full path URLs and then point victims...

Aloha point-of-sale terminal, sold on eBay, yields security surprises
2014-07-18 08:55 By Jeremy Kirk 18 July 2014

Hospital fined 200, 000 UKP after hard drive full of patient data bought on eBay
2013-07-15 05:03 By John E Dunn Techworld 14 July 2013

NHS fined £375k after stolen patient data	 flogged on eBay
2012-01-13 11:01 By OUT-LAW.COM The Register 13th January 2012