Security News

Flaw in Cisco routing hardware makes it vulnerable to DoS attacks (Help Net Security)
2015-02-23 12:31

A serious vulnerability affecting the software of some of Cisco's routing hardware systems for telecommunications and Internet service providers could be exploited to mount DoS attacks, the company ha...

TV-based botnets? DoS attacks on your fridge? More plausible than you think
2012-04-23 07:16 By Dan Goodin ars technica April 22, 2012

New DoS tool from THC: Another overhyped threat
2011-10-27 05:48 By Woody Leonhard InfoWorld October 26, 2011

Apache warns Web server admins of DoS attack tool
2011-08-25 11:13 By Gregg Keizer Computerworld August 24, 2011

DoS Holes Plugged in Apache HTTP Server
2003-07-10 07:22

Forwarded from: "eric wolbrom, CISSP" July 9, 2003 By Ryan Naraine The Apache Software Foundation on Monday released a new version of its...

Security Alert, August 17, 2001: Multiple Vulnerabilities in ISA 2000 Server, IIS 5.0, and IIS 4.0; DoS Condition in Windows NNTP Service
2001-08-18 08:31

**** This Security Alert is brought to you by the Windows IT Security channel on the Windows 2000 Magazine Network ****

DoS attacks on NHL web site
2000-05-25 00:19

Forwarded by: "Berislav Kucan BHZ" l NEW YORK (AP) -- NHL officials are trying to find who disabled the league's...