Security News
Dixons Carphone, a household name in the UK, announced (PDF) today that it is investigating "unauthorised access to certain data held by the company." It describes this access as "an attempt to...
Dixons Carphone said it discovered a massive cyberattack on its processing systems that targeted millions of payment cards and personal data records.
1.2 Million Nonfinancial Records Also at Risk, Electronics Giant WarnsThe U.K.'s Dixons Carphone is investigating a data breach that resulted in the suspected exposure of 5.9 million payment cards...
Dixons Carphone has revealed what it's calling an "attempt to compromise 5.9 million [payment] cards".
Over a million records containing 'personal data' also affected Retailer Dixons Carphone has gone public about a hack attack involving 5.9 million payment cards and 1.2 million personal data records.…