Security News

The unstoppable rise of DDoS attacks (Help Net Security)
2015-08-19 07:09

For the past three quarters, there has been a doubling in the number of DDoS attacks year over year, according to Akamai. And while attackers favored less powerful but longer duration attacks this qua...

Reflection DDoS Attacks Abusing RPC Portmapper (Threatpost)
2015-08-18 14:00

Level 3 Communications has discovered a new type of reflection DDoS attack that takes advantage of RPC Portmapper to overwhelm networking services.

How to sabotage DDoS-for-hire services? (Help Net Security)
2015-08-18 07:45

We all know the damage that DDoS-for-hire services can inflict on websites and organizations behind them. What is less known is that a simple move like making PayPal seize the accounts through whic...

Cloud security: Integrated global CDN with DDoS mitigation and WAF (Help Net Security)
2015-08-11 07:51

Applications are becoming more accessible on the web across all industries including gaming, e-commerce, software, and media. This is great for reaching new customers around the globe, but along with ...