Security News

New energy bill has cybersecurity repercussions
2005-08-12 05:09,10801,103834,00.html By Thomas Hoffman AUGUST 11, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD The new energy bill signed into law by President Bush this week is...

Nation's Top Cyber-Security Post Elevated
2005-07-15 05:30 By Brian Krebs Staff Writer July 13, 2005 As part of a major reorganization outlined today,...

Cybersecurity group looks to Europe for help
2005-06-28 07:24,10801,102825,00.html By Scarlet Pruitt IDG NEWS SERVICE JUNE 27, 2005 There isn't a colored alert system indicating the threat level...

GAO: DHS cybersecurity plans need more work
2005-05-27 07:27,10801,102049,00.html By Linda Rosencrance MAY 26, 2005 COMPUTERWORLD The U.S. Department of Homeland Security must do more to protect...

Tougher Cyber-Security Measures Urged
2004-12-08 07:58 By Brian Krebs Special to The Washington Post December 8, 2004 A group representing technology industry executives yesterday...

Former cybersecurity czar: Code-checking tools needed
2004-12-03 09:40,10801,97988,00.html By Grant Gross DECEMBER 02, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON -- Software vendors need automated tools that look for...

Cyber-Security to Get Higher-Profile Leader
2004-10-13 08:52

Forwarded from: William Knowles By Jonathan Krim Washington Post Staff Writer October 13, 2004 Homeland Security Secretary Tom...

Purdy Tapped as Cyber-Security Director
2004-10-07 09:50 By Robert MacMillan Staff Writer October 6, 2004 The Department of Homeland Security has filled the nation's...

DHS moves ahead with cybersecurity R&D efforts
2004-09-16 10:11,10801,95942,00.html By Dan Verton SEPTEMBER 15, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD SAN MATEO, Calif. -- The Department of Homeland Security is actively...

Report Faults Cyber-Security
2004-07-23 14:25 By Jonathan Krim Washington Post Staff Writer July 23, 2004 The Department of Homeland Security's efforts to battle...