Security News

How large businesses approach cybersecurity today (Help Net Security)
2017-09-05 12:45

Over 90% of large US companies with 500+ employees have a cybersecurity policy in place to protect them from both real and anticipated threats. Clutch surveyed over 300 corporate IT...

Thought Leaders Speak Out on Pressing Cybersecurity Issues (InfoRiskToday)
2017-09-05 10:03

This special edition of the ISMG Security Report features the observations of top cybersecurity experts featured at Information Security Media Group's recent Fraud and Breach Prevention Summit in New York.

Cybersecurity and Medical Devices: 'Ducking Bullets' (InfoRiskToday)
2017-09-05 10:03

"We've been ducking bullets" when it comes to cybersecurity incidents impacting patient safety, says consultant Brian Selfridge, a former healthcare CISO, who discusses today's emerging risks.

A Framework for Cyber Security Insurance (Schneier on Security)
2017-08-30 18:22

New paper: "Policy measures and cyber insurance: a framework," by Daniel Woods and Andrew Simpson, Journal of Cyber Policy, 2017. Abstract: The role of the insurance industry in driving...

CEOs Resign from Trump’s Cybersecurity Commission (Threatpost)
2017-08-28 20:50

Eight members of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council resigned last week, citing insufficient attention to the growing threats to the cybersecurity by the Trump Administration.

U.S. Government Cybersecurity Ranks 16th Out of 18 Industry Sectors (Security Week)
2017-08-28 11:32

The U.S. state and federal government's cybersecurity standing is ranked 16th of 18 industry sectors in a new report. This is a very small improvement on last year's comparable position, which was...

After 7 Months in Office, How's Trump Doing on Cybersecurity? (InfoRiskToday)
2017-08-25 08:18

Analyzing Donald Trump's cybersecurity policy seven months into his administration highlights the latest edition of the ISMG Security Report. Also, Cybersecurity Coordinator Rob Joyce disses...

Understanding the dark web and how it factors into cybersecurity (Help Net Security)
2017-08-23 16:44

In this podcast recorded at Black Hat USA 2017, Eric Olson, VP of Intelligence Operations at LookingGlass Cyber Solutions, talks about the dark net and how it factors into cyber security. Here’s a...

What’s needed for the first NYS DFS cybersecurity transitional phase? (Help Net Security)
2017-08-23 12:21

The first transitional phase of the New York State’s Department of Financial Services (NYS DFS) cybersecurity regulation is upon us. As of August 28th, 2017 covered entities are required to be in...

NIST Publishes Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (Security Week)
2017-08-09 13:26

NIST Proposes Ways for Organizations to Improve How to Identify, Recruit, Revelop, and Retain Cybersecurity Talent read more