Security News

3 things CSOs can learn from CPOs
2015-01-30 08:51 By Maria Korolov CSO Jan 29, 2015

7 communication mistakes CSOs still make
2011-03-24 07:32 By Joan Goodchild Senior Editor CSO March 23, 2011 For many years, we heard security professionals lament the way...

CSO survey: Companies lack plans in case of terrorist attacks
2004-06-10 09:45,10801,93741,00.html By Paul Roberts JUNE 09, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE A majority of security executives surveyed said their companies...

Diverse skills needed for CSO function, group says
2003-12-08 10:27

Forwarded from: William Knowles,10801,87862,00.html Story by Jaikumar Vijayan DECEMBER 05, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD A knowledge of...