Security News

Exams are pretty important in professional IT. You can have all the practical knowledge in the world, but technical recruiters want to see certificates. If you want to improve your resume, the Complete 2020 IT Certification Exam Prep Mega Bundle will help you ace nine of the most important exams.

The Information Technology industry has seen exponential growth over the years. It is essential for everyone to earn cybersecurity certification if you want to be a part of this growing industry....

CompTIA, the leading provider of vendor-neutral skills certifications for the global technology workforce, launched a beta exam for its CompTIA Cloud Essentials+ credential. CompTIA Cloud...

CompTIA launched CompTIA PenTest+, its newest credential for cybersecurity professionals around the world. CompTIA PenTest+ provides an assessment of the knowledge and skills needed to run a...

The Information Technology industry has witnessed exponential growth over the years, and if you want to be a part of this growing industry, it's important for you to earn certificates in this...

CompTIA unveiled a vendor-neutral certification, CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CSA+), that brings behavioral analytics to the forefront of assessing cyber threats. The CompTIA CSA+ certification...