Security News

Intercept Threats of Cisco IP Phones
2004-11-16 13:35 Thanks to A. 14 November 2004 In the SIP images of Cisco 7960/7940 (and perhaps 7970/7980) phones, there is a "telnet" option which can be enabled. In the...

Hackers reopen stolen code store with Cisco wares
2004-11-04 08:12,10801,97194,00.html By Paul Roberts NOVEMBER 03, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE An anonymous group of malicious hackers reopened an online store...

Cisco warns of flaws in ACS product
2004-08-27 10:12,10801,95514,00.html By Paul Roberts AUGUST 26, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE Networking equipment maker Cisco Systems Inc. is warning customers...

Theft of Cisco Source Code Stirs Fears of Security Threat
2004-05-25 06:15,10801,93352,00.html News Story by Jaikumar Vijayan MAY 24, 2004 COMPUTERWORLD The theft of proprietary operating system source code...

Expert releases Cisco wireless hacking tool
2004-04-09 08:08,10801,92049,00.html News Story by Paul Roberts APRIL 08, 2004 IDG NEWS SERVICE One day after it disclosed a security vulnerability in a...

Cisco develops WLAN security protocol to defeat password attacks
2004-02-13 14:20,10801,90163,00.html By BOB BREWIN FEBRUARY 12, 2004 Cisco Systems Inc. has developed a new wireless LAN security protocol designed to...

Hospitals back off Cisco LEAP security for WLANs
2003-10-20 05:23,10801,86189,00.html Story by Bob Brewin OCTOBER 17, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD For some health care IT managers, Cisco Systems Inc.'s wireless...

Cisco warns its WLAN security can be cracked
2003-10-03 05:40,10801,85637,00.html Story by Bob Brewin OCTOBER 02, 2003 COMPUTERWORLD The proprietary security system used by Cisco Systems Inc. to...

Cisco warns of security flaw in IOS software
2001-03-05 04:02,1199,NAV47-68-84-88_STO58279,00.html By DOUGLAS F. GRAY March 02, 2001 Cisco Systems Inc. has warned customers of a flaw in its Internetwork Operating...