Security News

Researcher Mariusz Mlynski found and disclosed four high-severity vulnerabilities in Chrome’s Blink rendering engine, earning himself $32,000 through the Chrome Rewards program.

Windows users who have the widely used Cisco WebEx extension installed on Chrome are in danger of getting silently hacked when visiting a malicious website. The vulnerability, which can be...

Cisco has fixed a vulnerability in its WebEx extension for Chrome that allowed for remote code execution on computers running the plugin.

Adobe quietly bundles data-collecting Chrome extension with latest Reader update (Help Net Security)
Chrome users who have installed the latest Adobe security updates have also been unknowingly saddled with a browser extension (“Adobe Acrobat”) that can collect some of their operating environment...

Microsoft followed Google's lead and said it will soon block Flash Player by default in the Edge browser.

Chrome 55.0.2883.75 for Windows, Mac, and Linux was released Thursday and patched 36 vulnerabilities, including 12 high-severity flaws eligible for bounties.

Microsoft appears to have silently fixed a two-year-old bug in in Windows Kernel Object Manager that could have allowed for the bypass of privileges in Google's Chrome browser.

Google released its final SHA-1 deprecation deadlines, and crypto services provider Venafi said that 35 percent of the web is still running weak SHA-1 certificates.

Users of the mobile version of Google Chrome should be extra careful when faced with unsolicited offers to install a popular app, Kaspersky Lab researchers warn. Cyber crooks pushing the Svpeng...