Security News

Google Drops Trust in Chinese Certificate Authority CNNIC (Threatpost)
2015-04-02 11:59

Google has taken the unusual step of completely removing trust from Chrome for the Chinese certificate authority CNNIC in the wake of an incident in which certificates issued by the CA were...

Cisco, Apple, Citrix products no longer welcome on Chinese government systems (Help Net Security)
2015-02-26 13:26

A slew of US tech companies have been dropped from China's Ministry of Finance's approved government procurement list, including Apple, McAfee, Citrix Systems and Cisco Systems, Reuters reported. T...

NOAA Employee Charged With Computer Breach Met Senior Chinese Official in Beijing
2015-01-07 08:38 By Bill Gertz The Free Beacon January 6, 2015

Dozens of Chinese held in Kenya accused of preparing to raid the country's communications systems
2014-12-05 10:08 December 4, 2014