Security News

U.S. Accuses China of Hacking Aerospace, Tech Companies
2018-10-31 07:56

Chinese intelligence officers recruited hackers and insiders to help them steal sensitive information from aerospace and technology companies, the U.S. Department of Justice said on Tuesday. read more

China hijacking internet traffic using BGP, claim researchers
2018-10-30 11:28

Researchers claim that unusual BGP routing changes are actually man-in-the-middle surveillance.

China's Hacking of the Border Gateway Protocol
2018-10-24 11:00

This is a long -- and somewhat technical -- paper by Chris C. Demchak and Yuval Shavitt about China's repeated hacking of the Internet Border Gateway Protocol (BGP): "China's Maxim ­ Leave No...

USA and China identified as top cyber attack sources
2018-10-22 05:30

NSFOCUS released its H1 Cybersecurity Insights report, which analyzed traffic from January 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018. Crypto miners Since the end of March, the number of crypto mining activities...

Another Bloomberg Story about Supply-Chain Hardware Attacks from China
2018-10-11 11:29

Bloomberg has another story about hardware surveillance implants in equipment made in China. This implant is different from the one Bloomberg reported on last week. That story has been denied by...

The Obama-era cyber détente with China was nice, wasn't it? Yeah well it's obviously over now
2018-10-11 10:11

Middle Kingdom is a rising threat once again – research Infosec pros might have already noticed some familiar IP address ranges in their system logs – China has returned to the cyber-attack arena.…

China's clampdown on Tor pushes its hackers into foreign backyards
2018-10-10 15:04

Comparing Middle Kingdom's hacker forums to Russia's? Apples and pears Underground hacker forums in China and Russia are as different as each country's regular shopping bazaars, according to...

China spy chip story gets stranger as everyone doubles down
2018-10-09 19:20

Bloomberg puts out related story while security experts cast doubt on research and quotes The veracity of a story claiming that the Chinese government managed to sneak spy chips into servers used...

Apple and Amazon hacked by China? Here’s what to do (even if it’s not true)
2018-10-09 14:07

Are major US companies really under attack from Chinese "zombie microchips" - and what should we do, whether it's true or not?

China Tech Stocks Lenovo, ZTE Tumble After Chip Hack Report
2018-10-05 16:16

HONG KONG (AP) — Chinese tech stocks Lenovo Group and ZTE Corp. tumbled in Hong Kong on Friday following a news report Chinese spies might have used chips supplied by another company to hack into...